Volume 7, Issue 1-2 (New series) / January - June 2019Anton AdrianMar 3, 20201 min readEDITORIALThe XVI National Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference Iuliana DOBRESCUPRESENTED TOPICSThe person with autism towards maturity Georgeta CRIȘU, Andreea OGNEANAsperger Syndrome in adults, Alexandra DOLFI, Cătălina TUDOSEThe role of environmental risk factors in the development of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Andreea IGNAT, Ilinca MIHAILESCU, Andreea GHERGHE, Ana Maria IOSUPESCU, Ioana MORARU, Mihaela VIȘANProgramming the NAO Humanoid Robot for behavioural therapy in Romania Georgian NICOLAE, Călin VLĂDEAN, Lisa-Marie SARU, Corneliu BURILEANU, Raluca GROZĂVESCU, Gabriela CRĂCIUN, Simona DRUGĂ, Mirela HĂȚIȘEarly assessment in high risk status for Autism Spectrum Disorders: Screening tools, neuroimaging findings and biomarkers Cristian Mihai LUHOVSCHI, Alexandra BUICĂPsychopharmacology in ASD- a challenge throughout lifetime Ioana MORARUThe importance of Gut- Brain Axis in the pathogenesis of Autism Spectrum Disorders Roxana NEACȘU, Anca CERLINCĂ, Florina RADOxidative Stress and Autism: an overview Vlad DIONISIE, Mirela MANEA, Dan RIGA, Sorin RIGABOOK REVIEW “Autism – Oxidative stress, inflammation and immune abnormalities” – edited by Abha Chauhan, Ved Chauhan and W. Ted Brown” Reviewed by Vlad DIONISIE
EDITORIALThe XVI National Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference Iuliana DOBRESCUPRESENTED TOPICSThe person with autism towards maturity Georgeta CRIȘU, Andreea OGNEANAsperger Syndrome in adults, Alexandra DOLFI, Cătălina TUDOSEThe role of environmental risk factors in the development of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Andreea IGNAT, Ilinca MIHAILESCU, Andreea GHERGHE, Ana Maria IOSUPESCU, Ioana MORARU, Mihaela VIȘANProgramming the NAO Humanoid Robot for behavioural therapy in Romania Georgian NICOLAE, Călin VLĂDEAN, Lisa-Marie SARU, Corneliu BURILEANU, Raluca GROZĂVESCU, Gabriela CRĂCIUN, Simona DRUGĂ, Mirela HĂȚIȘEarly assessment in high risk status for Autism Spectrum Disorders: Screening tools, neuroimaging findings and biomarkers Cristian Mihai LUHOVSCHI, Alexandra BUICĂPsychopharmacology in ASD- a challenge throughout lifetime Ioana MORARUThe importance of Gut- Brain Axis in the pathogenesis of Autism Spectrum Disorders Roxana NEACȘU, Anca CERLINCĂ, Florina RADOxidative Stress and Autism: an overview Vlad DIONISIE, Mirela MANEA, Dan RIGA, Sorin RIGABOOK REVIEW “Autism – Oxidative stress, inflammation and immune abnormalities” – edited by Abha Chauhan, Ved Chauhan and W. Ted Brown” Reviewed by Vlad DIONISIE
Volume 11, Issue 3-4 (New series) / July - December 2023ORIGINAL PAPERS Discrepancies and agreement: parent-adolescent reporting on psychopathology in a romanian clinical population Tudor...
Volume 11, Issue 1-2 (New series) / January - June 2023ORIGINAL PAPERS Anxiety prevalence and risk factors in a clinical population of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Roxana...
Volume 10, Issue 1-2 (New series) / July - December 2022ORIGINAL PAPERS Bullying and mental health correlates in a sample of romanian children and adolescents Bianca-Elena IFTIMIE, Roxana...